We all have trouble sleeping from time to time which is why having several of these essential oils on hand by your bedside can be a lifesaver to help you get that much needed shut-eye. I use these in my diffuser or you can add a few drops to your favourite carrier oil and use it on your skin to help sooth you.
Give these a try…
Lavender Oil
It’s my go to oil for almost everything! Its properties can create a calm and stress-free effect that can help improve your mood and help you to sleep.
Just like chamomile tea has been used as a mild sedative to reduce anxiety, calm nerves and treat insomnia, chamomile oils can have a amazing effect in helping you sleep. This oil can also be used to help ease irritability. You can add to a bath or apply to a carrier oil and massage into the skin.
It has one of the most beautiful floral aromas. Sweet musky with earthy undertones. The healing effects can help to quickly alleviate stress, anxiety and depression.
Helps to stabilize emotions and promote relaxation.
If need relaxation than this is the oil for you! This aroma can create a calm grounding effect.
Even though its properties are uplifting it can provide an calming euphoric feeling and a sense of peace.
Mix these with almond oil which is a natural moisturizer to the skin or place a few drops of into your diffuser before you’re ready to go to sleep. You will be off to sleep in no time.
With this in mind I have created my own line of aromatherapy products. Check out Pathways Aromatherapy on my shop page!