
Lava Beads – Fresh Start to the New Year

The holidays may seem distant now but the glow of the holidays and a fresh start to the new year is still brimming with possibilities.  I’ve made a commitment to eat better, exercise more and embrace mind over mood, as I’m sure many of you have.  I found myself off to a slow start this year.  December was extremely busy for us and I found myself waiting a bit longer to really focus on how to start off the new year. Mental health is so important and it can be a struggle this time of year to stay on track.

In my last post I highlighted some of the healing benefits of essential oils. I use them everyday as I work to feel less stressed. Everyday I pick a new scent based on how I was feeling that day and it really helps to get you through the day.

For the holidays I wanted to get my friends the perfect gift and one that would be healing rather than our usual nice bottle of wine.  So I started researching lava beads.  These are amazing!

Now you can take your essential oils with you wherever you go.  It’s like a built in diffuser. If you study stones and crystals, lava stone is a grounding stone. It’s meaning give us strength and courage.  It can give you stability through times of change.  When I read that I thought this would be the perfect give! You just add a few drops of your favourite essential oil on the beads and let it absorb.

The oils and their healing benefits will stay with you throughout the day.  I have added the lava bracelets on my shop page if you would like to try.


Looking forward to an exciting new year with much more to come from Jencor Designs.